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999 Anita Ave
Antioch, IL 60002
United States

Marshall Furniture, Inc.

Marshall Furniture is the industry leader in design-build Integration-Friendly Furniture® providing innovation to connect workspaces. We are a solution-based manufacturer focused on functionality, user experience, and aesthetics, with a diverse product line tailor-made to the AV and architectural requirements. 

Model: FTD-65

This FIT TECH production desk comes with an array of features that make it easy for the operator to access the required equipment. These features include two monitor rack bridges, a CPU shelf, and an
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Marshall Furniture Brand New 2014/2015 Idea Book available
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2014
Marshall Furniture Brand New 2014/2015 Idea Book available Marshall Furniture's Brand New 2014/2015 Idea Book is now available! If you would like to receive a free copy let us know,