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AmpliVox Sound Systems

650 Anthony Trail
Suite D
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States
Project List
AmpliVox Boosts YMCA Sound Quality and Fundraising Success
Posted on Monday, May 6, 2019
AmpliVox Boosts YMCA Sound Quality and Fundraising Success

For its annual fundraising gala, the North Suburban YMCA in Northbrook, IL, turns to AmpliVox Sound Systems to make its auctions, presentations, and announcements intelligible to everyone. 

And this year, the event was at a new venue with an acoustic challenge to overcome. 

"The country club where this year’s event was held had a beautiful ballroom with a Crestron distributed house audio system," said Don Roth, AmpliVox CEO and a past YMCA board member. 

"For many events, the venue’s house sound system works fine. But the YMCA auction is a particularly noisy event with 400 people attending and multiple activities during the evening. Intelligible sound is absolutely critical to its success. It was decided that AmpliVox equipment would work better."

AmpliVox set up an SW925 Digital Audio Travel Partner Plus with 250 watts of power and wireless microphone. 

To further enhance the sound coverage and clarity, two S1297-70 Wireless Powered Dual Speaker Kits – a total of four speakers -- were also added, with the speakers placed at key spots around the room. 

In addition, the official videographer for the event was happy to be able to plug his equipment directly in an SC800 Titan Wireless Powered Companion Speaker, resulting in a direct pick-up of the audio track for his video recording with superior sound quality. 

"The key is that our equipment enhanced the event’s sound without needing a house I.T. person,"said Roth. "It’s all portable and easy to set-up and use."
The effective sound clarity for the YMCA event helped the event organizers raise a total of $270,000. 
"The sound system from AmpliVox was essential to our success," said  Howard Schultz, President/CEO of the NSYMCA. 

"Without the enhanced sound provided by AmpliVox, our presenters never would have been able to pierce the ever-present background noise heard everywhere in the room. This year’s Strong Kids Casino Night was a tremendous success for all concerned. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and their generosity has enabled us to meet our fundraising goals in grand style. 

"We’re honored to pledge our support to the mission of raising funds and awareness to the Strong Kids Scholarship Fundraiser."